Rahul's blog

Hi there, I'm Rahul Dubey

I've created this space to talk about technical and non-technical stuff that I like. In a nutshell, it is going to be about the following topics: Python, Machine Learning, Data, and Distributed Systems.

  • Feature Store: an essential part of ML infrastructure

    In this post, I’ll talk about Feature Store: an essential component of a modern Machine Learning infrastructure. We’ll first briefly look at what a production ML system consists of and where does a Feature Store fit into it. I’ll then dive into some core problems that a Feature Store is supposed to solve and go over some possible solutions to these problems. A combination of these solutions essentially builds up a Feature Store infrastructure.

  • Writing Pythonic code: Part 2

    This is the second post (here’s the first) on writing Pythonic code. In this post, we will first go over some aspects of writing effective Python code by brushing over topics such as: slicing, list comprehension, generator expressions.

  • Writing Pythonic Code: Part 1

    This is the first of many Python related posts that I plan to write while studying how to write good Python code from the book Effective Python. In this post, we will go over some techniques of making your Python code more readable by following some simple Pythonic principles laid out in PEP-8.

  • I finally get this blog started

    Well. Finally I got around to putting this blog together. It is powered by Jekyll and I can use Markdown to author my posts. It actually is a lot easier than I thought it was going to be. It is based on some guidance I got from here and here